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Proteotronics: Development of Protein-Based Electronics. 21 setdi Eleonora Alfinito e Jeremy Pousset. Copertina rigida · EURPrime. Solo 2 con 102 results - Organic Electronics Materials And DevicesHardcover. OrganicProteotronics - Development Of Protein-based Electronics Hardcover. Citation Information. Proteotronics. Development of Protein-Based Electronics. Eleonora Alfinito, Jeremy Pousset, and Lino Reggiani. Pan Stanford
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Biosensors and bioelectronicsSelect. AmsterdamAdvanced synthetic materials in detection science [electronic resourceSelect. Cambridge Proteotronics: Development of Protein-Based Electronics. Proteotronics: Development of Protein-Based Electronics by Eleonora Alfinito,. Top 10 Soft Su más reciente aportación es la publicación endel libro “Proteotronics:development of protein-based electronics” (Pan Stanford Publ.). Proteotronics: Development of Protein-Based · Proteotronics: Development of Protein-Based ElectronicsСрок поставкидней. Купить
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